Mark Rosch
Mark Rosch is the Vice-President of Internet For Lawyers (IFL), an Internet research training company. He is a nationally recognized speaker who has presented at: the Annual meetings of the ABA and the California State Bar; ABA Tech Show; and hundreds of state and local bar associations, companies, and law firms since 1999.
He is co-author of two books: The Lawyer’s Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet (published by the A.B.A's LPM section) and The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet (published by IFL Press). Previously, he was also co-editor of the Internet Fact Finding For Lawyers newsletter. Mark has also authored numerous articles.
As Vice President of IFL, Mark Rosch is the developer and manager of the company’s Web site. He is also the Editor of IFL’s newsletter. Mark writes and speaks about how to use the Internet for research and marketing, and also speaks on how the legal community can use technology. Mark serves on the ABA’s Law Practice Management Section’s Education Committee and is a member of the Association of Continuing Legal Education.