Reggie B. Walton
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Judge Reggie B. Walton assumed his position as a United States District Judge for the District of Columbia on October 29, 2001, after being nominated to the position by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate. Judge Walton was also appointed by President Bush in June of 2004 to serve as the Chair of the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission, a commission created by the United States Congress and tasked with the mission of identifying methods to curb the incidents of prison rape. The Commission completed its mission and submitted its recommendations to the President, the United States Congress, and the Attorney General for the United States in June 2009. The recommendations were substantially adopted by the Attorney General and have been implemented in Federal Bureau of Prison detention facilities; they remain under consideration for adoption by the Department of Homeland Security for implementation at federal immigration facilities and by federal, state and local officials throughout the United States. Former Chief Justice Rehnquist also appointed Judge Walton to the federal judiciary's Criminal Law Committee, effective October 1, 2005, and he served on the Committee until 2011. In May 2007, Chief Justice John Roberts appointed Judge Walton to serve as a Judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which is a 7-year appointment, and in February 2013, the Chief Justice elevated Judge Walton to the position of Presiding Judge of that same court.
Judge Walton previously served as an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia from 1981 to 1989 and 1991 to 2001, having been appointed to that position on two occasions by Presidents Ronald Reagan in 1981 and George H. W. Bush in 1991. While serving on the Superior Court, Judge Walton was the Court's Presiding Judge of the Family Division, Presiding Judge of the Domestic Violence Unit, and Deputy Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division.
- Judge
- U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
- - Current
- Associate Judge
- Superior Court of the District of Columbia
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- 1981-1989, 1991-2001 Court's Presiding Judge of the Family Division, Presiding Judge of the Domestic Violence Unit, and Deputy Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division
- Senior White House advisor for crime
- Executive Office of the President
- Associate director
- Office of National Drug Control Policy
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- Assistant U.S. attorney and executive assistant U.S. attorney
- District of Columbia
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- Staff attorney
- Defender Association of Philadelphia [Pennsylvania]
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- American University Washington College of Law
- J.D. (1974)
- West Virginia State University
- B.A. (1971)
- Honorary Doctorate of Laws Degree
- West Virginia State University
- Community Service Award
- National Organization for Black Law Enforcement Executives
- Leadership in Education Award
- The American University, Washington Semester Program
- Honorable Robert A. Shuker Memorial Award
- Assistant United States Attorneys Association
- Secretary's Award
- Department of Veterans Affairs