Glenn R. Harrell Jr.
Court of appeals
GLENN T. HARRELL, JR., Judge, Court of Appeals, 4th Appellate Judicial Circuit (Prince George's County), since September 10, 1999. Senior Judge since 2008. Designated Judge for Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource (ASTAR) Center Program, 2006-. Chair, Board of Directors, Judicial Institute of Maryland, 2006-09. Member, Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2008-13. Chair, Land Use Article Review Committee, 2009-12. Member, Retired and Recalled Judges Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-.
Judge, Court of Special Appeals, At Large, May 28, 1991 to September 9, 1999. Chair, Commission on Judicial Disabilities, 1996-98 (member, 1995-98). Member, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1997-99.
Associate County Attorney, Prince George's County, 1971-73. Hearing Examiner, State Board of Education, 1977-84.
Born in 1945. University of Maryland, B.A., 1967; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1970. Graduate, Business and Technology Training Program for Maryland Judges. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1970. Associate (1973-77) and Partner (1977-91), O'Malley, Miles & Harrell. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (chair, administrative law section, 1984-85; member, delivery of legal services section; real property, planning & zoning section; chair, litigation section, 2013-); Prince George's County Bar Association. Member, Maryland Bar Foundation; Prince George's County Bar Foundation. Senior Fellow (one of only two so recognized nationally), Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource Center (ASTAR), Inc., 2009 (education policy & standards committee; board of directors, 2004-09). Adjunct Professor (legal writing), University of Baltimore School of Law, 1997-2003. Frequent lecturer on administrative law, land-use law, and attorney/judicial ethics. Maryland Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2007. Unknown and Unsung Hero Award, Administrative Law Section, Maryland State Bar Association, 2007.
- Justice
- Court of appeals
- - Current
- Judge, Court of Appeals, 4th Appellate Judicial Circuit (Prince George's County), since September 10, 1999. Senior Judge since 2008. Designated Judge for Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource (ASTAR) Center Program, 2006-. Chair, Board of Directors, Judicial Institute of Maryland, 2006-09. Member, Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2008-13. Chair, Land Use Article Review Committee, 2009-12. Member, Retired and Recalled Judges Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-.
- Adjunct Professor
- University Of Baltimore School Of Law
- -
- Judge
- Court of Special Appeals
- -
- Chair, Commission on Judicial Disabilities, 1996-98 (member, 1995-98). Member, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1997-99.
- Associate and Partner
- O'Malley, Miles & Harrell
- -
- Associate (1973-77), Partner (1977-91)
- Hearing Examiner
- State Board of Education
- -
- Associate County Attorney
- Prince George's County
- -
- Business and Technology Training Program for Maryland Judges
- Graduate
- University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
- J.D. (1970) | Law
- University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
- B.A. (1967)
- H. Vernon Eney Endowment Fund Award
- Maryland Bar Foundation
- John W. Hardwicke Award for Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Administrative Law
- Administrative Law Section, Maryland State Bar Association
- John W. Hardwicke Award for Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Administrative Law
- Administrative Law Section, Maryland State Bar Association
- Maryland Leadership in Law Award
- Daily Record
- Unknown and Unsung Hero Award
- Administrative Law Section, Maryland State Bar Association
- Maryland State Bar Association
- Various
- Current
- Activities: chair, administrative law section, 1984-85; member, delivery of legal services section; real property, planning & zoning section; chair, litigation section, 2013-
- Maryland Bar Foundation, Prince George's County Bar Foundation
- Member
- Current
- Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource Center (ASTAR), Inc.
- Senior Fellow
- - Current
- Activities: Education policy & standards committee; board of directors, 2004-09.