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Dominic J. Squatrito

U.S. District Court, District of Connecticut

Judge Squatrito was appointed United States District Judge for the District of Connecticut on October 6, 1994. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wesleyan University 1961 and attended the University of Florence in Italy from 1961-62 as a Fulbright Scholar. He received his law degree from Yale University in 1965.

In 1966 Judge Squatrito began practicing law at Bayer & Phelon in Manchester, Connecticut. He remained at this firm, which later became Phelon, Squatrito, FitzGerald, Dyer & Wood, P.C., until his appointment to the federal bench. In the course of his almost thirty years of general private practice, Judge Squatrito also served in a wide variety of public capacities, including service as Counsel to the Housing Authority of the Town of Manchester (1972-79); as Clerk of the State of Connecticut Legislative Committee on Executive Nominations (1974-78); as Assistant Counsel to the Judiciary Committee of the State of Connecticut Legislature (1974); as a Chief Counsel to the Senate of the State of Connecticut (1976-80). Judge Squatrito also served a term as President of the Manchester Bar Association (1989-90) and was the first chairman of Manchester’s Commission on Aging (1967-69).

The Judge is a member of the American Bar Association, the Connecticut State Bar Association, the Hartford County Bar Association, the Manchester Bar Association and the Federal Judges Association.

Professional Experience
U.S. District Court, District of Connecticut
- Current
Assumed senior status due to certified disability on November 1, 2004.
Private practice, Manchester, Connecticut
Chief counsel
Connecticut State Senate
Manchester [Connecticut] Housing Authority
Connecticut State Committee on Executive Nominations
Connecticut State Legislature Judiciary Committee
Fulbright scholar
University of Florence, Italy
Yale Law School
LL.B. (1965)
Yale Law School Logo
Wesleyan University
B.A. (1961)
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Professional Associations
American Bar Association, the Connecticut State Bar Association, the Hartford County Bar Association, the Manchester Bar Association and the Federal Judges Association
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Websites & Blogs
United States District Court, District of Connecticut
Federal Judicial Center Biography
Contact & Map
United States Courthouse
450 Main Street - Suite 108
Hartford, CT 06103
Telephone: (860) 240-3873