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Diarmuid Fionntain O`Scannlain
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Professional Experience
- Judge
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- - Current
- Private practice
- Portland, Oregon
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- Chairman
- Advisory Panel to the U.S. Secretary of Energy
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- Team leader
- President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control/Grace Commission
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- Consultant
- Office of the President-Elect of the United States
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- U.S. Army Reserve
- JAG Corps
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- Director
- Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
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- Public utility commissioner
- Oregon
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- Deputy state attorney general
- Oregon State Department of Justice
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- Private practice
- Portland, Oregon
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- Tax attorney
- Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and New York City
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- University of Virginia School of Law
- LL.M. (1992)
- Harvard University
- J.D. (1963)
- St. John`s University
- B.A. (1957)
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