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Dan Biles

Kansas Supreme Court
  • Business Law, Education Law
  • Kansas
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Practice Areas
Business Law
Education Law
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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Professional Experience
Kansas Supreme Court
- Current
Serves as the Supreme Court's liaison for implementing the judicial branch's electronic case filing system (commonly known as e-filing) within the Kansas appellate and district courts, as well as electronic case and document management systems.
Private Practice
Practice emphasized administrative, trial, and appellate work on behalf of individuals, corporations, and various state, county, and local government agencies. Served five years as general counsel to the Kansas Turnpike Authority.
Private Attorney
Kansas State Board of Education
Assistant Attorney General, Litigation Division
Office of Kansas Attorney General Robert T. Stephan
Washburn University School of Law
J.D. (1978) | Law
Washburn University School of Law Logo
Kansas State University
B.S. (1974) | Journalism
Kansas State University Logo
Douglas F. Bates Distinguished Service Award
State Education Attorney
Professional Associations
Kansas State Bar
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Websites & Blogs
Kansas Supreme Court
Court Biography and Opinions
Contact & Map
Kansas Supreme Court
301 SW 10th Ave
Topeka, KS 66612-1507
Telephone: (785) 296-2256
Fax: (785) 296-7076